Caring for the Body
Foundation Five
I will care for my body, knowing that it is my greatest friend and support in life.
My body is a wondrous expression of my true nature, the miraculous vehicle through which I, as consciousness, find life, fulfillment, and happiness in this world. Though my essential self is not my body (or my thoughts or emotions) this body is the temple of my consciousness and the sanctum of my soul. I will take steps to honor this body, care for this body, thank Spirit for this body, enjoy this body, and keep this body healthy and filled with aliveness so that it can support my highest intentions and keep me in tune with the All-Giving Life that flows through me.
Care for the Body
This foundation involves honoring the body. It involves caring for the body, eating well, exercising regularly, and cultivating the right relationship with food. Many people struggle with this one; they also get down on themselves when they fail to meet certain goals, especially when it comes to losing weight. When doing any kind of work on yourself always “handle with care.” Take small steps. Get support from other people. The goal is to live well not to struggle; the aim is to care for your body in a gentle and natural way. In the end, caring for your body and having the right relationship with food will become natural and enjoyable, and part of your full-living lifestyle.
The right kind of exercise can be fun. The right kind of eating can be enjoyable. Being in good health and feeling alive inside your body can become a constant source of support and assurance in your life.
Caring for the body also involves cultivating a true and healthy body-image. Being unhappy with your body and the way you look, or constantly trying to lose weight, or alter your appearance as your way to become happy or raise your feeling of low self-esteem or find love are must-miss ways to live. It’s okay to take steps to lose weight, to get in shape but see if you can do it from a place of love, from a place of total self-acceptance—and not from a place of struggle, rejection, and lack.
For most people the body is the “fall guy” for every negative thought and emotion: when a person tries to satisfy emotional needs, or cover up a sense of emptiness, by overeating, eating junk food, consuming alcohol, or using drugs the body suffers. When a person is prone to stress, worry, fear—or any negative emotion—the body absorbs that negativity and suffers. We don’t want the body be our emotional dumping ground. However, since it always is, as that is one of its functions, we want to take extra steps to care for the body and ease its burden in every way we can.
Not the Body
It’s important to care for your body, and form a positive and healthy relationship with your body, while bearing in mind that your true self is not the body but the luminous consciousness that animates and enlivens the body. The body is your temple, your storehouse of wisdom, and your greatest support in this human life—and it’s your sacred duty to support and care for the body—but it’s not who you truly are. It is something you have; it is your body but it’s not you. You are something much greater. Even so, in every case, having a healthy body enables you to discover the totality of your being and the greatness that you truly are.
Some Healthy Practices
Eat healthy food, in the right amounts, at the right time
Exercise regularly (including use of the stick routine)
Get ample amounts of sunshine, when possible
Understand and use the right supplementation
Drink pure water, in the right amounts
Get fresh air, engage in proper breathing
Have your living environment be mold-free, toxin-free, and stress-free
Eliminate internal toxins and mental toxins (including stress)
Minimize electro-magnetic pollution
Cut down on or eliminate PUFA (poly-unsaturated fatty acids) and processed food
Maintain the right balance of pH and blood sugar
Get a good night’s sleep (with grounding)
Avoid unnecessary medical procedures
Have healthy connections with other people, animals, nature
Stay informed about healthy practices through books and online forums
Ray Peat Forum
Earth Clinic
>> Solar Plexus Breathing
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I will care for my body, knowing that it is my greatest friend and support in life.
My body is a wondrous expression of my true nature, the miraculous vehicle through which I, as consciousness, find life, fulfillment, and happiness in this world. Though my essential self is not my body (or my thoughts or emotions) this body is the temple of my consciousness and the sanctum of my soul. I will take steps to honor this body, care for this body, thank Spirit for this body, enjoy this body, and keep this body healthy and filled with aliveness so that it can support my highest intentions and keep me in tune with the All-Giving Life that flows through me.
Care for the Body
This foundation involves honoring the body. It involves caring for the body, eating well, exercising regularly, and cultivating the right relationship with food. Many people struggle with this one; they also get down on themselves when they fail to meet certain goals, especially when it comes to losing weight. When doing any kind of work on yourself always “handle with care.” Take small steps. Get support from other people. The goal is to live well not to struggle; the aim is to care for your body in a gentle and natural way. In the end, caring for your body and having the right relationship with food will become natural and enjoyable, and part of your full-living lifestyle.
The right kind of exercise can be fun. The right kind of eating can be enjoyable. Being in good health and feeling alive inside your body can become a constant source of support and assurance in your life.
Caring for the body also involves cultivating a true and healthy body-image. Being unhappy with your body and the way you look, or constantly trying to lose weight, or alter your appearance as your way to become happy or raise your feeling of low self-esteem or find love are must-miss ways to live. It’s okay to take steps to lose weight, to get in shape but see if you can do it from a place of love, from a place of total self-acceptance—and not from a place of struggle, rejection, and lack.
For most people the body is the “fall guy” for every negative thought and emotion: when a person tries to satisfy emotional needs, or cover up a sense of emptiness, by overeating, eating junk food, consuming alcohol, or using drugs the body suffers. When a person is prone to stress, worry, fear—or any negative emotion—the body absorbs that negativity and suffers. We don’t want the body be our emotional dumping ground. However, since it always is, as that is one of its functions, we want to take extra steps to care for the body and ease its burden in every way we can.
Not the Body
It’s important to care for your body, and form a positive and healthy relationship with your body, while bearing in mind that your true self is not the body but the luminous consciousness that animates and enlivens the body. The body is your temple, your storehouse of wisdom, and your greatest support in this human life—and it’s your sacred duty to support and care for the body—but it’s not who you truly are. It is something you have; it is your body but it’s not you. You are something much greater. Even so, in every case, having a healthy body enables you to discover the totality of your being and the greatness that you truly are.
Some Healthy Practices
Eat healthy food, in the right amounts, at the right time
Exercise regularly (including use of the stick routine)
Get ample amounts of sunshine, when possible
Understand and use the right supplementation
Drink pure water, in the right amounts
Get fresh air, engage in proper breathing
Have your living environment be mold-free, toxin-free, and stress-free
Eliminate internal toxins and mental toxins (including stress)
Minimize electro-magnetic pollution
Cut down on or eliminate PUFA (poly-unsaturated fatty acids) and processed food
Maintain the right balance of pH and blood sugar
Get a good night’s sleep (with grounding)
Avoid unnecessary medical procedures
Have healthy connections with other people, animals, nature
Stay informed about healthy practices through books and online forums
Ray Peat Forum
Earth Clinic
>> Solar Plexus Breathing
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